Sunday, April 30, 2017


This week's portrait is Howard Shum!

When I think about what have been my biggest influences so far since living here in Los Angeles, all thoughts lead back to Howard and, “Whatsername.”*

Whatsername, for telling me I should look up these interesting life drawing events happening in L.A., one being, Dr Sketchy. And Howard for asking me to join him at a Gallery Girls, Drink and Draw event at the Falcon on Sunset. That was the evening I saw Jennifer Fabos Patton for the first time, dressed as a gypsy, and my world haven't been the same since.

I've been drawing circles almost all my known life. At a later Drink and Draw, someone asked me, why circles. “I don't know why circles, I just know I feel great doing them, it almost feels like sex!”

There's no way of knowing today had I stayed in New York and not took the invite to continue working with Conan, what my life would have been like. Somehow I doubt I’d be posting portraits or involve in going to and hosting life drawing events.

Howard is a writer, director and comic artist. I wanted with this portrait to emphasize the comic art side of him. I made the design look like a comic book page with blue lines for ruling and cropping. I thought it would be cool to make it look like a pencil drawing that was being inked.

Easier said then done! I used a few variety of greys to get the penciled look and went over areas with black ink to represent inking. I can say with knowledge that this was a hard piece to do using ink. I'm real happy with the final art.

Thank you Howard and Whatsername, for directing me on this path!

*SIDE NOTE: Whatsername, is someone who meant a lot to me once. She was very inspirational back in New York, and very supportive as I made the transition to California. But like anything in life, things changed and we both went different ways. Unlike the song, I haven't forgotten her name or memories. But I think for now it's probably best to leave her nameless, unless she calls herself out. I'll always have respect for her and what she did for my life in the short time of knowing her.

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